Ready to start working from home? Do you want to follow a plan that has you making money online quickly? You may think the technical details of launching a website will challenge you, but modern technology and free shareware like WordPress and Google Sniper make the process very easy. The important thing is to begin building your website and domain knowing what you will be selling at the end so you can choose your keywords accordingly.
1. Find a niche where your interests and potential profits intersect.
“Potential profits” are key. No matter how passionate you are about a niche, if you cannot find enough interested people to visit your site – or if your niche is popular, but the people it attracts are not planning to spend money – you will have a hard time making money online. Do not limit yourself to your hobbies or day job; consider what you know and where you are on your life journey:
- Do you have experience losing weight or staying fit?
- Are you a pet owner?
- Are you fighting signs of aging?
All these niches have large audiences and an ever growing potential for making money online.
2. Choose or create the product you will sell on your site.
Before you get overly invested in your keywords and your vision for your website, you should know the end product you plan to sell. Some websites start in reverse, they build up a following and then look for ways to make money from their visitors. If your plan involves making money online with minimal start up costs, decide up front what you want the visitor do at the end, so you can build a website that attracts the right visitors and guides them in the profitable direction.
How do you choose a product to sell? If you are starting with a niche you know well, then you already have an opinion about the customers’ needs and the products available in that niche. Here are a few possibilities you can consider:
- Create a product that meets a need not currently met in the marketplace.
- Contact a vendor whose product you endorse and ask about becoming an affiliate.
- Visit an affiliate marketplace to find a product in your niche.
3. Research keywords that connect buyers with your product
Once you have a niche and a product, you must research your keywords. You want to put yourself in the minds of your potential customers: What are they looking for when they look for your product? What words do they type in the search engine? Just as it was important above to focus on a niche with paying visitors, you want to choose keywords that draw those paying visitors. Keep a record of all the long tail keywords you identify, as you will use these to build a keyword universe for your website.
When you have a niche you understand, a goal for your customers (the product they will purchase), and a keyword universe you will use for search engine optimization (SEO), you are then ready to purchase your keyword rich domain. Choosing your product first will allow you to better aim your keyword universe at paying customers. When you use that keyword universe to select your keyword rich domain name, you will be able to build your website or blog from the ground up supporting a funnel that targets paying customers and quickly begins making money online.
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